Little Joey's Early Learning Centre

Building a foundation for lifelong learning

At Little Joey's Early Learning Centre, we provide quality education and care in a faith-based setting for up to 44 children aged 3-5 years each day. We are a CCS (Childcare Subsidy) approved Long Day Care Centre and provide a preschool program for children prior to commencing Transition. 

Our warm, consistent, and professional team of educators recognise that fostering a strong connection and caring relationship with children is fundamental to being able to learn and safely explore new experiences. Through Catholic prayer, celebrations, and Godly Play experiences we provide age-appropriate opportunities to build children's spiritual wellbeing and each day our educators support children to be curious, capable, and collaborative learners. 

The Early Years Learning Framework and The Northern Territory Preschool Curriculum guide our program which is carefully created to foster every child’s wellbeing, growth and development and is supported by with teaching practices informed by contemporary research. Through play, inquiry, and hands-on experiences we provide opportunities that allow children to holistically reach their full potential, building a foundation and love for lifelong learning.

While at Little Joey's ELC your child will have opportunities to engage in regular planned experiences such as cooking, gardening, exploring nature and the country around us, participating in excursions, and connecting with our wider St Joseph's Catholic College community. 

At Little Joey’s ELC we understand that the most valuable learning occurs when there is a strong partnership and respectful communication between educators, children, caregivers, and the wider community.




Play-based learning helps a child develop holistically through social-emotional learning, developing confidence and motivation, and practicing cognitive skills.

Play-based programs are also sometimes called 'child-centered' because the children guide their own learning with their curiosity and interests.


Children who eat healthy foods in their everyday lives can be more alert and interested in activities, which can improve their concentration and learning. The Educators at Little Joey’s are in a unique position to help your child’s development and growth, by promoting good eating habits. Our menu is the best in the region and we believe children who eat well are healthy children.


Beginning early in life, social and emotional learning (SEL) is highly important for helping your child to understand and manage their emotions, feel and show empathy for others, establish healthy relationships, set positive goals, and make responsible decisions. At Little Joey’s Early Learning Centre this is an integral part of your child’s education.

Little Joey's Early Learning Centre

Assistant Director

Rachelle Balfour-Quinn

Join The Waitlist

(08) 8972 3864